Camera Control

How to control your cameras

The app exposes several ways to monitor and control the cameras, and allows actions to be done across multiple cameras at the same time.

The primary way of control is using the Camera Controls window, as shown below. This window serves 3 purposes:

  • Which cameras are active; either one specific camera, all cameras, or a group of cameras

  • Actions to take on the active cameras

  • View current status of the active cameras


Active Camera

At the top of this window is the Active Camera section, which a dropdown list of all the cameras that are currently connected. By changing the selection in this dropdown list, you can switch to controlling/viewing a different camera.

It also contains a checkbox for Single and Multiple. When Single is enabled, then any actions taken will affect only the camera that is currently selected in the dropdown list. When Multiple is selected, then any actions will affect all connected cameras.

The Limit to group checkbox allows a specifc set of cameras to be selected. These camera groups can be created in the camera table UI, by right-clicking the camera as shown below:


Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table shows the keyboard shortcuts you can use:




Take a photo


Take a photo on all connected cameras


Auto Focus


Run the currently loaded script


Select the aperture camera setting


Select the shutter speed camera setting


Select the ISO camera setting


Select the exposure compensation camera setting


Select the photo quality camera setting


Select the metering mode camera setting


Select the white balance camera setting

Up arrow

Change the value of the currently selected camera setting

Down arrow

Change the value of the currently selected camera setting